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social enterprise

social enterprise

Top 50 challenges faced by charities, not-for-profits, and social enterprises

Based on my experience, here are the top 50 challenges faced by charities, not-for-profits, and social enterprises: Lacks opportunities Lacks funding Struggles to engage their board or trustees with new ideas Attends too many networking meetings Feels unheard Struggles to inspire the team Feels burnout Lacks confidence in themselves Feels… Read More »Top 50 challenges faced by charities, not-for-profits, and social enterprises

Black and white photo of 8 people of varying ages looking happy, text 'impact through enterprise'

Mentor for the Ingenuity Programme

Janina is delighted to be a mentor for the Ingenuity Programme at the University of Gloucestershire this year for the prosperity, community and health challenges. “Ingenuity helps create start-ups that deliver sustainable social and environmental impact across the UK. The free programme is delivered via an online insight and learning platform, Challenge… Read More »Mentor for the Ingenuity Programme

A dandelion at sunset

Grow into a dandelion

What do you think of when you see a dandelion? A weed? Helps maintain food supplies? Let’s address these ideas. The dandelion taproots are tough to rip out of the ground and become an annoyance to anyone who regards dandelions as a weed. However, dandelions are also bold, resilient, and… Read More »Grow into a dandelion

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